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Chapter 1


Hello and welcome to this 36 chapters process.
The goal of this process is to awaken natural personality abilities to become NEW.

Chapter 2


This is the 2nd chapter.
Chapters 1-3 deal with the fact that the world is changing rapidly and what we can do about it, personally.

Chapter 3


This is chapter 3.
Chapters1-3deal with the fact that the world is changing rapidly and what we can do about it, personally.
I advise you...

Chapter 4


This is chapter 4.
Chapters 4-6 deal with the inevitable uncertainty that follows the current rapid changes.
How do we deal with...

Chapter 5


This is chapter 5.
Chapters 4-6 deal with the inevitable uncertainty that follows the current rapid changes.
How do we deal with...

Chapter 6


This is chapter 6.
Chapters 4-6 deal with the inevitable uncertainty that follows the current rapid changes.
How do we deal with...

Chapter 7


This is chapter 7.
Chapters 7-9 deal with concepts around: "To lose in order to win, to die in order to be reborn"
How do we contain the...

Chapter 8


This is chapter 8.
Chapters 7-9 deal with concepts around: "To lose in order to win, to die in order to be reborn"
How do we contain the...

Chapter 9


This is chapter 9.
Chapters 7-9 deal with concepts around: "To lose in order to win, to die in order to be reborn"
How do we contain the...

Chapter 10


This is chapter 10.
Chapters 10-12 deal with concepts around: " Good errors, Necessary errors"
How do mistakes related to our process of...

Chapter 11


This is chapter 11.
Chapters 10-12 deal with concepts around: " Good errors, Necessary errors"
How do mistakes related to our process of...

Chapter 12


This is chapter 12.
Chapters 10-12 deal with concepts around: " Good errors, Necessary errors"
How do mistakes related to our process of...

Chapter 13


This is chapter 13.
Chapters 13-15 deal with being in a journey that its final outcome isn't clear.
Are you willing to keep walking even if...

Chapter 14


This is chapter 14.
Chapters 13-15 deal with being in a journey that its final outcome isn't clear.
Are you willing to keep walking even if...

Chapter 15


This is chapter 15.
Chapters 13-15 deal with being in a journey that its final outcome isn't clear.
Are you willing to keep walking even if...

Chapter 16


This is chapter 16.
Chapters 16-18 deal with facing the people who do not now intend to renew themselves now.
Finding the "New me" is a...

Chapter 17


This is chapter 17.
Chapters 16-18 deal with facing the people who do not now intend to renew themselves now.
Finding the "New me" is a...

Chapter 18


This is chapter 18.
Chapters 16-18 deal with facing the people who do not now intend to renew themselves now.
Finding the "New me" is a...

Chapter 19


This is chapter 19.
Chapters 19-21 deal with the time when future dreams and wishes get closer to the present.
The "New Me" spirit is about...

Chapter 20


This is chapter 20.
Chapters 19-21 deal with the time when future dreams and wishes get closer to the present.
The "New Me" spirit is about...

Chapter 21


This is chapter 21.
Chapters 19-21 deal with the time when future dreams and wishes get closer to the present.
The "New Me" spirit is about...

Chapter 22


This is chapter 22.
Chapters 22-24 deal with "complete openess for surprises.
The "New Me" is something we cannot (and shouldn't) fully...

Chapter 23


This is chapter 23.
Chapters 22-24 deal with "complete openess for surprises.
The "New Me" is something we cannot (and shouldn't) fully...

Chapter 24


This is chapter 24.
Chapters 22-24 deal with "complete openess for surprises.
The "New Me" is something we cannot (and shouldn't) fully...

Chapter 25


This is chapter 25.
Chapters 25-27 deal with the close connection between risks and regeneration.
Reaching your "New You" requires that you...

Chapter 26


This is chapter 26.
Chapters 25-27 deal with the close connection between risks and regeneration.
Reaching your "New You" requires that you...

Chapter 27


This is chapter 27.
Chapters 25-27 deal with the close connection between risks and regeneration.
Reaching your "New You" requires that you...

Chapter 28


This is chapter 28.
Chapters 28-30 deal with "Self-escorting, with love and without unnecessary criticism.
Please ask yourself: What are...

Chapter 29


This is chapter 29.
Chapters 28-30 deal with "Self-escorting, with love and without unnecessary criticism.
Please ask yourself: What are...

Chapter 30


This is chapter 30.
Chapters 28-30 deal with "Self-escorting, with love and without unnecessary criticism.
Please ask yourself: What are...